I am an experienced leader with expertise in education and racial equity consulting

I started my career as a classroom teacher, teaching middle and high school math for ten years. I have been a teacher leader, a nonprofit leader and board member, and a central office leader. I know K-12 education from multiple vantage points and can provide informed and balanced thought partnership on issues facing school and systems leaders.


I am a servant leader, driven by a life-long passion and pursuit of social justice

Throughout my entire life, both personally and professionally, I have imagined and advocated for a more liberated world. I champion diversity, inclusion, and equity, and I fight for justice. As a trained equity leader, I place equity at the center of all decision-making to create sustainable organizational change. 


I am a connector and organizer, with a natural ability for creating belonging

I am a strong communicator and deep listener with experience working collaboratively with a wide range of stakeholders, including students and families, district and school leaders, C-level suite executives and funding partners. I bring diverse voices to the table and center the voices of the most impacted to design solutions to challenges.


I am a coach and cheerleader for those on their path to transformation

As a certified coach, I ask the questions that pave the way for clarity, courage, and confidence in my clients. I believe in the wholeness and wisdom within each of us. I feel deeply and love expansively. I trust in the power of connection to transform individuals and community. I create space for others to open their hearts, minds, and communities for liberation. 
